What should I look for when selecting a roofing contractor?

We recommend taking note when an Idaho Falls roofing contractor is able to honor the original bid, has quality references, and is licensed, and insured…like us!

Honor the Original Bid

If you’re looking for roofing repairs or a new roof entirely, we’ll give you a free quote! We honor our original bids, so you can feel secure in making your choice with J&B Superior Exteriors.

Quality References

Every roofing company in Idaho Falls will say their work is fantastic and blows other companies out of the water, but what do their clients say? Check testimonials, reviews, and find quality references from clients who hired the contractor and saw the project to the end.

Licensed and Insured

Always check that the roofing contractor you hire is licensed and insured, otherwise you could be liable for any injuries the contractor incurs on the job. Each state has its own website or office to call and verify a contractor’s license to work, here is Idaho’s website to verify a contractor’s registration and license.

J&B Superior Exteriors Is Ready To Help