How long do gutters last?


Seamless metal gutters should last 30+ years if they’re properly maintained. Leaf covers and heater cables are a great way to maintain them for their longest possible use.

Leaf Covers

Over time, your gutters may bow due to heavy debris buildup. To prevent damaging your gutters, covering them with a leaf cover will help. Leaf covers come in all sorts of materials and shapes. Many have mesh-like material that allows for water to pass through, but not sticks, leaves, or other debris. 

Heater Cables

Instead of trying to unfreeze your gutters with rust-causing salt or risking pouring hot water in your gutters during the middle of winter, heater cables are a great solution. Run your cable down your gutters and plug them in. The cables will keep your gutters warm, melt snow and ice, and keep your gutters clear.


Schedule a Free Quote Appointment with J&B Superior Exteriors

If you’re looking for the best technology to prolong your gutter’s lifespan, we can help! With J&B Superior Exterior’s free quote, you’ll have the knowledge to make the best decision for your gutter system. Call us today to schedule your free quote!